Pastor David's Daily Devotional

Pastor David McGee Picture

OK to send occasional news and special offers.

Free is good, would you agree?

I believe that the two best things we could offer you for free are salvation and forgiveness. I encourage you to go here to learn more about salvation.

Something else we can offer you is our free e-votional. I have dedicated my life to helping people understand the Bible, receive forgiveness, and walk through life filled with love and joy. Hundreds of people have come to a full understanding of Christ as a result of this ministry. But more importantly, I want to help you.

If you simply give us your email address and read the free e-votionals we are offering as part of your daily routine, your life will change for the better. I have seen thousands of lives change as a result and I know it will help you as well. You do not have to continue in a cycle of hopelessness, anxiety, or depression—living in a world that seems so cold and uncaring. We will help you realize that you are loved and you are not alone.

Anyone who signs up for our e-votional gets an e-votion every day and much, much more. You can also count on us to be your personal prayer partner as more than 700 people on our prayer team are dedicated to praying for you! Just let us know how we can be praying for you and we will begin calling out to God on your behalf.

We will also send you exclusive offers via email that were created with you in mind. We send these deeply discounted offers only to the people who are signed up for our e-votional. These helpful items are available exclusively online and available only to our e-votional family.

Our commitment to you is this: we will send you an e-votional, seven days a week, 365 days a year, and we guarantee you’ll find it in your inbox first thing in the morning. While we will occasionally send you offers for other products we think will be helpful to you, we also know you are busy, so we will never send you more than one email a day outside of your e-votional. We will also never share your email address or personal information with a third party. You will also be the first to hear about specially reduced upcoming offers!

When you sign up for our e-votional, you become a part of our Cross the Bridge family. I will personally be praying for your spiritual growth.

Our e-votional is unlike any other tool that is out there. Yes, the e-votional is a devotional that you receive through your email… but that hardly begins to describe it. It includes a passage of Scripture, personal thoughts from me to you, encouragement, and a life lesson. For those of you familiar with this ministry, you know that the life lessons require personal and practical application and are both powerful and helpful.

The e-votional ends with a prayer. This is a suggested prayer that helps you form your thoughts as you pray for strength, help, joy and guidance.

We have had countless reports of people growing through the e-votional. According to many surveys the thing that helps spiritual growth the most is memorizing and applying Scripture to our lives.

Remember this:

It is the same with my word.
I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
You will live in joy and peace.

{Isaiah 55:11-12}

What an awesome promise from God. He promises that His Word, the Bible, will always produce fruit. Remember that when you receive your daily e-votional. You will receive God’s Word every morning in your email inbox. Let me encourage you to read the e-votional first… before anything else. You will receive God’s Word with a clear explanation and His promise that it will produce good things in your life. Let me assure you that what God has promised, God will fulfill. His Word always produces fruit. Always.

So let's get started.

Living to tell what He died to say,

Pastor David McGee

The Bridge Fellowship – PO Box 12515 - Winston-Salem, NC 27117
Call/Text: 336-996-6880

Copyright © 2025 The Bridge Fellowship.